Rapid Nutrition PLC gives you an overview of dates concerning the Company and its shareholders on a regular basis on this site. Please note that these dates are partly provisional and are subject to change (on short notice).

Company Calendar 2024

Fiscal Year
Full Financial Year 2024
  • 1st Quarter
  • 2nd Quarter
  • 3rd Quarter
  • 4th Quarter

Financial Reports

  • Half Year Financial Report (Jun 30th)
  • Full Year Financial Report (Dec 31st)

Annual General Meeting

  • AGM
  • GM

A copy of this notice, and other information required by s.311A of the Companies Act 2006, for General Meetings can be downloaded here:

Fiscal Year
1st Jan 2024 – 31st Dec 2024
  • 1st Jan 2024 - 31st Mar 2024
  • 1st Apr 2024 - 30th Jun 2024
  • 1st Jul 2024 – 30th Sep 2024
  • 1st Oct 2024 – 31st Dec 2024

Financial Reports

  • by 31st October
  • by 30th April

Annual General Meeting

  • 19th June 2024
  • 18 October 2024

Results of General Meetings:


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